Executive and Life Coaching


Reaching our potential and realizing our dreams are goals we all strive for. But “things” often get in the way, ”things” that take us off track, cause us to procrastinate, keep us from moving outside of our comfort zones and taking risks. All of these deterrents are within our control; and we have the internal wisdom to create strategies to achieve success. A coach can be a guide, a strategic thinking partner, and a safe haven for individuals as they work toward their goals. Parker Williams Consulting offers co-active executive and life coaching for individuals in transition as well as those striving to achieve success right where they are.

Services include:

Individual Assessments and Coaching

Example of some of the assessments we use include:

•Life Styles Inventory (LSI)

•Hogan Personality Inventory (HPI)

•Hogan Development Survey (HDS)

•16 Personality Factor Questionnaire (16 PF)

•Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)

•Conflict Dynamics Profile

•DISC Behavioral Assessments

•Myers Briggs Type Inventory (MBTI)

•Customized 360 Degree Assessments

Coaching and Retreats for Intact Leadership Teams

Coaching for Leaders in Transition

Coaching for Independent Consultants